Unlocking the Core of Your Code

Third-party and proprietary software analysis can give you a clear understanding of open-source usage within your products and services.

Do You Know What’s in Your Code?

Managing risk within your organization’s software development practice is critical. A great way to control risk (and avoid potential legal complications) is to ensure license compliance before product release. However, establishing an inventory of your open source software and third party notices can take an unexperienced team many months (or longer) to develop.

Our Scan and Audit service quickly scans your code base, manages inventory, determines license compliance needs, and generates a software bill of materials (SBOM).

The Indispensability of an SBOM

The SBOM isn’t just another tool — it’s foundational to modern software management. Central to managing licenses, vulnerabilities, and patches. it plays a vital role in safeguarding supply chains. It’s critical for understanding software assets both internal and external. Moreover, it’s becoming integral to global regulatory frameworks that protect consumers. While an SBOM report is part of our Scan and Audit service, it’s such a complex area that we offer specialized guidance and consultation on it as well.

Discover the Hidden Components of Your Code

In the ever-evolving maze of open-source software, having an adept guide is indispensable. Our experienced consultants are poised to:

  • Deliver accurate and timely audit reports tailored to your project and risk profile
  • Provide remote scanning to construct an OSS inventory, eliminating the need to export your proprietary source code
  • Uncover unknown open-source software and third-party code with a thorough scan and audit to mitigate legal ramifications
  • Review and analyze the results of a Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
  • Identify open-source components and code snippets in source, packages, binaries, docker images, multimedia, and third-party code